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Lewis & Artley (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3932-8 ©2007
Price: $11.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 154 pages
Category/Subject: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Third World Development

The O.A.U now the A.U had 40yrs as the only path to African unification. Its about time an alternate path to the same goal be available this is what Africation is all about.

As an African, where do you stand? Are you one that stands by and watches things happen, not knowing what happened until it hits you in the face? Or are you one of them that make things happens?

It’s been 30-40-50- years since independence. The overall quality of life for the African people has progressively moved in the unfavorable direction all across the African landscape. The O.A.U (now the A.U) had 40 years as the only path to African unification. It’s about time an alternate path to the same goal be available. This is what Africation is all about.

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