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Lewis & Artley
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Palm Bay, Florida

Dr Samuel Artley D.M.D: Born and raised in The Gambia, he completed his undergraduate studies in Mercy College and Dental School at Temple University. Besides being a well accomplished professional dentist, he is an entrepreneur at heart. It is this spirit that he hopes the entire continent of Africa envisions via Africation.

Kenneth Oluwole Lewis: He immigrated from Gambia West Africa to the United States in August of 1999. He is a believer in representative democracy, open markets and free trade. Economic integration or Africation is one of the few options that the great people of the continent have left to transform our future.

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The O.A.U now the A.U had 40yrs as the only path to African unification. Its about time an alternate path to the same goal be available this is what Africation is all about. read more
by Lewis & Artley ~ 0-7414-3932-8 ©2007
Price: $11.95

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