All stores may order books at any quantity with a 40% discount.
However, this website only supports this discount on orders of 5 or more.
If you are ordering less than five books, you may print out your own order sheet
and place your order via fax or mail. Our fax number is 610-941-9959.
Your book order must include the title and quantity of books
being ordered, as well as a p.o. number if your store uses them. Your order sheet
must also include your company's name, address, and phone number.
However, if you are ordering 5 or more, you may take advantage
of a useful feature of this site that allows you to print a faxable order sheet
right from this site's shopping cart page.
To use this feature, find any title and add it to your cart.
On the first shopping cart page, you will choose your State. On the next page, look
for the paragraphs that begins: If you would prefer to Mail or Fax
your order to us...
This link will allow you to display and print an order sheet,
containing the book and quantity you would like to order. This form can be printed
by you, filled out, and mailed or faxed to us.
Our policy for stores is this:
Stores may order books with a 40% discount, regardless
of quantity. Books sold to stores are returnable for up to one year from the date
of purchase. We must be contacted prior to purchase for a return authorization number.
Returned books must be in saleable condition. There is no penalty or restocking
fee for store returns. We reserve the right to limit quantities ordered. The first
order must be prepaid. Future orders may then be placed on credit, payment due upon