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The Handbook for Exploding the Economic Myths of the Political Sound Bite

Jim Boehm (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3147-5 ©2006
Price: $12.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 169 pages
Category/Subject: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Economic Conditions

The Handbook by Jim Boehm uses ten objective economic concepts as ten missiles of truth. These 10 truth missiles are then used to explode the incoming myths we encounter daily in the media.

In my book I use 10 objective economic concepts as seen below as missiles of truth #s 1-10 which I launch to explode the myths we encounter in the media on a daily basis. For instance, when we hear politicians tell us they will create jobs as in myth # 1, I launch truth missile #1 which in effect says government produces nothing and has no money. I then will go into why it takes capital or money to create jobs and if government takes your money, what happens to the jobs you would have created with that money. On its best day it would be a transfer of jobs, but government never has a best day.

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