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Jim Boehm
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Toledo, Ohio

Jim was born and raised in Toledo Ohio. At age 19 he left Toledo for his 45 year career selling dental equipment. His career took him from northern Michigan to southern Florida. He returned to Toledo and spent the last 28 years covering the Toledo area and Lower Michigan.

When Jim was in his early twenties he saw the consequences of the Viet Nam which caused him to begin his questioning of war and life in general.

Today he sees this country moving toward a Socialist totalitarian society, he fears for our children. You may have the same fears after reading this book.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Handbook for Exploding the Economic Myths of the Political Sound Bite
The Handbook by Jim Boehm uses ten objective economic concepts as ten missiles of truth. These 10 truth missiles are then used to explode the incoming myths we encounter daily in the media. read more
by Jim Boehm ~ 0-7414-3147-5 ©2006
Price: $12.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Terminating Terrorism
No short description is available read more
by Jim Boehm ~ 0-7414-4656-1 ©2008
Price: $10.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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