Now lets take a moment to see how ridiculous the notion of global warming is.
Global warming had its beginnings nearly a century ago when Arrhenious published an article in the Philosophical Magazine presenting calculations showing that doubling of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide would lead to a planetary temperature rise of 6 degrees centigrade. Arrhenious believed certain gases like CO2 would trap heat that would otherwise escape into space. It was referred to as a greenhouse effect. It is the greenhouse effect that environmentalist have latched onto in trying to make their case. This is what they are missing.
First of all the earth has been warming and cooling since the big bang. Secondly there is nothing man can do to stop it.
Christopher Lingle in his Freeman article Higher CO2 More Global Warming, And Less Extintion told about a study covering the period from 1856 to 2002 looked at the relationship of solar-flare activity to earths near-surface air temperature and concluded there was a strong connection between climate and solar flare activity. He went into detail as to how animal and plant life would easily adapt and expand or contract to adjust to environmental changes.
He also told how as plant life expands it sucks in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere causing carbon to sink. This would cause temperatures to go down rather than up.
Many of the top scientists have come to the conclusion, to fear Global Warming is an exercise in futility. Here are just a couple and the conclusions they have derived from their research.
Robert Balling Jr. who is Director of the Office of Climatology and Associate Professor of geography at Arizona State University and the author of several books on the subject has come to these conclusions.
* The earths atmosphere has actually cooled by 0.13 degrees Celsius since 1979 according to highly accurate satellite-based atmospheric temperature measurements, while the less accurate land base computer models say its warmed by 0.4 degrees Celsius.
* The scientific evidence argues against the existence of a greenhouse crisis, against the notion that realistic policies could achieve any meaningful climatic impact, and against the claim that we must act now if we are to reduce the greenhouse threat.
* Current computer climate models are incapable of coupling the oceans and atmosphere; misrepresent the role of sea ice, snow caps, localized storms, and biological systems; and fail to account accurately for the effects of clouds.
* Temperature records reveal that predictive models are off by a factor of two when applied retroactively in projecting the change in global temperature for this century.
* The amount of warming from 1881 to 1993 is 0.54 degrees Celsius. Nearly 70% of the warming o the entire time period 0.37 degree Celsius occurred in the first half of the record-before the greatest buildup of greenhouse gases.
* Accuracy in land-based measurements of global temperature is frustrated by the dearth of stations, frequent station relocations, and changes in how oceangoing ships make measurements.
* Although all of the greenhouse computer models predict that the greatest warming will occur in the arctic region of the Northern Hemisphere, temperature records indicate that the Arctic has actually cooled by 0.88 degrees Celsius over the past 50 years.
* Corrective environmental policies would have a miniscule impact on the climate. According to its own projections, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes own plan would spare the earth only a few hundredths of a degree of warming by the middle of this century.
This is what Richard Lindzen an atmospheric scientist at MIT and a contributer to the report issued by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change had to say.
Most climate models do not take into account how clouds behave. Such neglect exaggerates estimates of warming since climate sensitivity becomes impossible to predict. He goes on to say that clouds over tropics act like a thermostat and will limit warming. He predicts that warming will not be more than one degree centigrade by 2100.
Sallie Baliunas an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and deputy director of the Mount Wilson Observatory had this to say in her February 5th 2002 speech at Hillsdale College in Michigan.
The middle range forecast of the estimates of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, based on expected growth in fossil fuel use without any curbs, consists of a one degree Celsius increase over the next half century.
A climate simulation including the effect of implementing the Kyoto Protocol-negotiated in 1997 and calling for a worldwide 5% cut in carbon dioxide emissions from 1990 levels- would reduce that increase to .094 degrees Celsius. This amounts to an insignificant 0.06 degree Celsius averted temperature increase.
She goes on to say to achieve the carbon dioxide emission cuts by 2012 required under the Kyoto agreement the United States would have to cut its energy use by 25% which would cost the U.S. between $100 and $400 billion. All the time the biggest polluters China, India and Mexico are exempt from making emission cuts.
Sallie made other good points such as during the period from 1940 to 1970, a time when green house gases were highest there was actually a cooling trend. She also said, throughout history during periods of climate warming we had higher crop yields and generally rising life spans. She also confirmed the accuracy of NASAs microwave sounder units aboard satellites for measuring the earth temperatures.
Finally, she said for the next several decades, fossil fuels are key to maintaining Americans way of life and improving the human condition. According to the scientific facts as we know them today, there is no environmental reason we should not continue using them.