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Carmen Sierra & Petra Campos
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Newberg, Oregon

Carmen Sierra is a psychologist from Colombia who moved to the Pacific Northwest in 1988 and has two college-aged children. She works with Hispanic families in the Willamette Valley in Oregon and receives referrals from schools and social service agencies. Her goal is to work in domestic violence prevention. Petra Campos is originally from Texas, is married, has three teenage daughters and lives in Newberg, Oregon. She has 25 years experience working as an activist with social issues within the Hispanic community. She holds degrees in Pre-law, English, and has a master’s degree and administrative credentials in Education.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Brown Roses
For many the American Dream becomes an “American Nightmare.” Let the universal cry of anguish and social injustices of victimized women resonate throughout the world! read more
by Carmen Sierra & Petra Campos ~ 0-7414-0811-2 ©2002
Price: $11.95

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