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Autumn Acres
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DePere, Wisconsin

My life with a pot belly pig is wonderful! I’ve always liked pigs, even as a child. As an adult I learned about pot belly pigs as a pet. I did some research and asked my husband “why don’t we get a pot belly pig”. We’ve had a pot belly pig living in our house with us for 13 years. We’ve had many funny moments with our pot belly pig, there’s truly never a dull moment. We’re constantly asked “what’s it like having a pot belly pig in your house?” That’s what gave me the idea to write this book!

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Yes A Pig Lives in Our House - Color images included
Yes, we truly have a pot belly pig that lives in the house with us! Her name is Cheyenne and she truly is part of the family! read more
by Autumn Acres ~ 0-7414-6865-4 ©2011
Price: $22.95

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