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Yes A Pig Lives in Our House - Color images included

Autumn Acres (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6865-4 ©2011
Price: $22.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 68 pages
Category/Subject: HUMOR / General

Yes, we truly have a pot belly pig that lives in the house with us! Her name is Cheyenne and she truly is part of the family!

Yes, we truly have a pot belly pig that lives in the house with us! Her name is Cheyenne and she truly is part of the family!

All stories in this book are actual stories of our life with a pot belly pig. No story has been modified and none of the stories are from any other pot belly pig owners.

These stories will tell about our pot belly pig’s birthday party that had approximately 20 guests, taking Cheyenne to see Santa, taking Cheyenne to public settings including inside our public library, Cheyenne’s visits to the family cottage, and many other stories.

These stories will bring a smile to your face and possibly even a laugh or two

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Customer Reviews

  Wonderful and thoughtful , 01/28/2012
Reviewer: Kristi Prill-Swanson
My Daddy and Mom are the ones who gave Autumn Acres their first pot-bellied pig. The author was so thoughtful as to dedicate this book to them. Thank you. I looked through this book and read the stories. They truly are real stories of living with pot-bellied pigs. Very honest and true-to-life.

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