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Nancy Hopping
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Greentown, Pennsylvania

I have traveled and camped and fly fished all of my adult life. I have learned many things living on the waters that I have fished and photographed. It is with that knowledge, I had my log home built on top of a mountain in NE PA . I turned my land into a wildlife habitat. I let the widlife go and do as it pleases.I have learned the art of animal talk. AS long as you are quiet you will hear many things, wildlife has many voices when a blue jay screams out a warning a cub will stand at attention........and so it goes in my backyard.......

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Backyard Bears - Full color
Ever watch a wild bear play in the water with a foam noodle , a rubber ducky, or sit in a tub way to small for its size? Backyard bears will make you smile! read more
by Nancy Hopping ~ 0-7414-6531-0 ©2011
Price: $18.95

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