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Rafe R. Berner
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Union City, Tennessee

The author is a former soldier and a master plumber with 14 years in construction management. He wandered the globe but calls Memphis, home. His aspirations in later life shall include art and writing that are his true passions. A father, a patriot, a true red blooded American; he went from a humble farm life to managing twenty million dollar projects. He is educated in the many sciences, which enable him to look at the world as a place of never ending discovery. His glass is neither half full, nor half empty, but rather a means to toast all his family and fans.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Jewels for the Taking
Julian James, a man’s man, grew up hard, played hard, now his life and lives of others are on the line. Can he live to tell the story? read more
by Rafe R. Berner ~ 0-7414-5693-1 ©2010
Price: $13.95

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