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Philip A. Ikomi
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Houston, Texas

Philip Ikomi, a former airline Captain, Training Captain, and Authorized Instrument Rating Examiner, has flown passengers into major airports, including London Heathrow, Rome Fumiccino, Amsterdam Schiphol, and New York’s J. F. Kennedy International Airports. He graduated Summa Cum Laude in Psychology from Central State University, Ohio. He obtained Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Bowling Green State University, Ohio, one of top three universities in the nation offering I/O Psychology. Dr. Ikomi trained at the Nigerian Civil Aviation Training Center currently Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria Nigeria. He was also a professional Truck Driver. He is currently a Research Scientist.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Manual of Radio Telephony for Airline and Other Pilots
This manual could not have come at a more opportune time. Most pilots out of flight schools spent little time on radio communication. This book makes up for that. read more
by Philip A. Ikomi ~ 0-7414-4882-3 ©2008
Price: $9.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
Neuropsychological and Behavioral Evidence
In this one-of-a-kind book, the author takes the reader through the evolutionary progression from the single celled protozoan to the complex multi-cellular human detailing how even in the lowliest of organisms, we could see the beginnings of intelligence. read more
by Philip A. Ikomi ~ 0-7414-6253-2 ©2010
Price: $11.95

  Average Rating:

3 .
Neuropsychological Behavioral Evidence, 2nd Edition: People are Slaves of Their Genetic Compositions
In this one-of-a-kind book, the author takes the reader through the evolutionary progression from the single celled protozoan to the complex multi-cellular human detailing how in the lowliest of organisms we could see the beginnings of intelligence. He then shows the reader that humans, though extremely intelligent, are, like other animals, highly dependent on their genetic compositions. He pursues this theme by showing that in many different areas of life--the diseases that we are afflicted with, the success or failure that we achieve in sports, the functioning of our internal milieu-- are beyond our personal control. read more
by Philip A. Ikomi ~ 1-4958-0306-6 ©2014
Price: $31.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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