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Oliver E. Owen, M.D.
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Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

Oliver E. Owen received his M.D. degree from the University of Colorado, completed three years of specialty training in internal medicine at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and spent three years as a research fellow in the subspecialty of metabolism at Harvard. He served for 21 years at Temple University Hospital as Director of the General Clinical Research Center and as Professor of Medicine before accepting the Chair of Medicine at Southern Illinois University. He has numerous publications in top peer reviewed journals, is a member of many prestigious medical societies, and is recognized as an international scholar.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Searching for Medical Truths
This is a story of clinical investigators who describe energy requirements, body composition and metabolism in normal adults and in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, diabetic ketoacidosis and morbid obesity. read more
by Oliver E. Owen, M.D. ~ 0-7414-3009-6 ©2006
Price: $24.95

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