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John Ackerman
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Ottsville, Pennsylvania

John Ackerman is a physicist, who, after years working with infrared radiation, lasers, geophysical mapping and reconnaissance satellites, has devoted fifteen years to studying and interpreting the true meaning of ancient texts (myths). Unburdened by the pressure to conform, characterizing academia, he has dared to suggest that the entire ancient world observed and was threatened by spectacular, cyclic events in the heavens from 3700 to 687 BC. This outlook pervades his four books, scientific papers, one hundred blog posts and astrophysical explanations of these currently unimaginable events, far exceeding the scope and depth of any previous work in Catastrophism.

Selected works by this author:

Firmament: Recent Catastrophic History of the Earth
Chaos: A New Solar System Paradigm
Peleh: The Hidden Nature of the Recent Catastrophic Past

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Firmament: Recent Catastrophic History of the Earth
The Velikovsky/Angiras scenario represents the successful mating of two seemingly unrelated bodies of knowledge, mythology and modern science read more
by John Ackerman ~ 0-7414-0070-7 ©1996
Price: $19.95

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2 .
Chaos: A New Solar System Paradigm
read more
by John Ackerman ~ 0-7414-0295-5 ©2000
Price: $19.95

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3 .
Peleh: Hidden Knowledge
Interpretations of the hidden knowledge in the sacred myths of all ancient cultures revealing many close encounters of Mars, Venus and Mercury with the Earth. read more
by John Ackerman ~ 0-7414-3604-3 ©2006
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

4 .
Egyptian Astrophysics: The 30-Year Cycles
All Egyptian texts comprise observations of Venus (Sechat-Hor), Mars (Ra, Horus) and Mercury (Hathor), which repeatedly orbited or passed within 36,000 kilometers of the Earth between 3700 and 687 BC. read more
by John Ackerman ~ 0-7414-9769-7 ©2013
Price: $16.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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