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Miklos Jako
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Andover, Massachusetts

MIKLOS JAKO was raised a Catholic, but he always suspected Christian theology was irrational. He set out to resolve the truth about religion. After years of informally debating priests, ministers, laymen, and atheists, he believes he has arrived at some clear answers. He argues against the archaic concepts of the reigning religions in this country and presents a more sensible understanding of God. Mr. Jako graduated from Phillips Academy, MA, and Colby College, ME.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
The Truth About Religion
Do popular New Age movements have the inside track to religious Truth? What about Christian sects like the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses? The author – a realistic theist – refutes these belief systems in an series of confrontational discussions. read more
by Miklos Jako ~ 0-7414-1458-9 ©2003
Price: $17.95

  Average Rating:

2 .
The Truth About Religion: Book Two
If the Bible is really God's book, then it shouldn't contradict science, or contradict itself, or promulgate immoral ideas. But it does. The author confronts Protestant ministers on these issues, and makes a case against both conservative and liberal Christianity. read more
by Miklos Jako ~ 0-7414-1655-7 ©2004
Price: $19.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

3 .
The Truth About Religion: Book Three
The author, a former Catholic, now a Unitarian, confronts clergy in a series of contentious discussions about Catholic beliefs. He sympathizes with ex-Catholics and their horror stories. And then he is challenged on his own theistic beliefs by atheists. read more
by Miklos Jako ~ 0-7414-1846-0 ©2004
Price: $19.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

4 .
Confronting Believers
Does Christianity really make sense? The author challenges ministers, priests, and laymen in a series of contentious debates, and then presents a more sensible understanding of God than the Christian one. read more
by Miklos Jako ~ 0-7414-2403-7 ©2005
Price: $21.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

5 .
Computer How To For Normal People- Color
Computers are extraordinarily useful… but also frustrating as hell. So often, you cannot logically figure out how to do something; instead, there is some arbitrary piece of information you need to already know. Or there are particular buttons you need to click in a particular order, otherwise, you get nowhere. Or you can't remember how to do something, because it's been a while since you did it last. Or… bad things happen, constantly, out of the blue, and you can't figure out how to fix them! This manual is an effort to fill in all those gaps. Topics are arranged alphabetically. Step-by-step procedures are given, with the assumption that the reader is coming to the problem with only minimal computer experience. read more
by Miklos Jako ~ 0-7414-7329-1 ©2012
Price: $42.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

6 .
Computer How To For Normal People
Computers are extraordinarily useful… but also frustrating as hell. So often, you cannot logically figure out how to do something; instead, there is some arbitrary piece of information you need to already know. Or there are particular buttons you need to click in a particular order, otherwise, you get nowhere. Or you can't remember how to do something, because it's been a while since you did it last. Or… bad things happen, constantly, out of the blue, and you can't figure out how to fix them! This manual is an effort to fill in all those gaps. Topics are arranged alphabetically. Step-by-step procedures are given, with the assumption that the reader is coming to the problem with only minimal computer experience. read more
by Miklos Jako ~ 0-7414-7455-7 ©2012
Price: $15.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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