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Ruth Dondanville
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Schwenksville, Pennsylvania

Ruth Dondanville is an accomplished cook who over a 35-year culinary career has been a caterer, cooking teacher, restaurateur, consultant, food writer and producer of television food commercials. A native of Mercer County, Illinois, she holds a BS from the University of Illinois and a MSSW from the University of Tennessee. She has also lived—and cooked—in Iowa, Kentucky, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Ruth is a member of the International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) and the American Personal Chef Association (APCA).

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Nobody Cooks Like Ruth: Menus from Cherotree
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by Ruth Dondanville ~ 0-7414-1418-X ©2003
Price: $21.95

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