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The First Tea Party President

Paul D. Dunstan (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-6415-2 ©2011
Price: $16.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 310 pages
Category/Subject: LAW / General

At 89, I am convinced that my generation has inexcusably left the world to our children, grandchildren, etc., in such terrible condition that it will take several tremendous changes to make it possible bring the mess back to a positive direction that can turn things around and correct the results of our errors.

This book: “The First Tea Party President” has been written because those who are charged with the duty of solving America’s economic problems have no possibility of doing so with the methods they are proposing. This book recognizes that the only way for America to solve its financial problems is to reduce its operating overhead and sell all of its assets to pay its debts and provide for the governed. The book does this with a romantic “novel” format, noting the “solutions” as fiction.

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