The First Tea Party President suggests the only way for America’s national and local governments to pay off their tremendous debts and force national and local governments to live within their means, while providing a method for all its citizens to have an equal economic start or opportunity in life by having each citizen receive the same $200,000 from government. These revolutionary changes are based on the author’s conviction that America’s governments should be restricted to governing and not compete with the governed – its private citizens.
To accomplish this, the book proposes several amendments to the U.S. Constitution that eliminate its national and local governments’ owning and operating a large number of businesses in competition with private enterprises they regulate and govern. To accomplish this it forces all government employees to have the same pay and benefits as those doing similar work in the private sector.
Almost all government business ventures lose money every year, pay few if any taxes or fees and receive hundreds of billions in subsidies each year that make their competition with the private sector grossly unfair and not in the public’s best interests. In the 1990’s Dr. Milton Friedman, then one of our nation’s leading economists, noted that over 50% of our economy is socialistic – government owned and operated. The book notes that this makes it impossible for governments to pay off their debts and have all citizens be “born equal” – have an equal economic opportunity in America.