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Till Death Do Us Part

David A. Zurbriggen (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-4988-9 ©2008
Price: $10.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 101 pages
Category/Subject: FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Death, Grief, Bereavement

Till Death Do Us Part is meant to be a tool to assist individuals and families deal and heal with the struggles, hurts and pains of cancer. Difficult to write, the book helped our family heal and hope it will aid others.

This book evolved for many reasons. I wanted to help families who have dealt with cancer realize they are not alone. Sometimes, when we are most vulnerable, we forget we have a higher power that can assist.
Jackie helped me realize that life is about more than ourselves. She remained a warrior in a battle with no “poor me” attitude. Her focus was surviving for her family. When Jackie realized she was dying, she switched to helping us understand we would be o.k., our lives would go forward.

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