Parenting by the Steps
Book Size:
5.5'' x 8.5''
, 128 pages
Parenting by the Steps is a how-to-be-one guidebook for parents. It’s an alliance of 12-step spirituality and developmental psychology, with a pinch of been-there, done-that wisdom thrown in.
Guiding your child along the path to independent, loving, self-reliant and responsible adulthood can be arduous! Of course you want your child to be healthy, responsive, well-balanced, and spiritually connected, but believing it’s your sole responsibility to ensure this is too much pressure.
Parenting by the Steps asks: how can any parent have this much power over their child’s success? This isn’t a how-to-do-it book; it’s a how-to-be-one resource: a guide to help you surrender the illusion of control and discover who you can become as a parent. This book is a 12-step parenting journey for anyone who wants it; all you have to do is suit up and show up.
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