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A Nation Divided Black vs Black and Its Leadership Void

Curtis Lee Sims (Author)

ISBN: 0-7414-3179-3 ©2006
Price: $14.95
Book Size: 5.5'' x 8.5'' , 252 pages
Category/Subject: SOCIAL SCIENCE / Ethnic Studies / African-American Studies

This book is an attempt to expose some of the phony, media appointed, so-called black leaders that have mastered the art of deception.

A NATION DIVIDED was written to inform the black community in particular and the overall population in general, about the lies and race baiting which continues to impede the forward progress of all black Americans.
This leads many to believe that the word accountability is meaningless and racism is the root cause of the problems faced by those who live in our internal war zones better known as the inner city.

Many of these phony leaders care only about creating opportunities to line their pockets with cash, while filling our heads with bull crap!

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Customer Reviews

  something that makes you go huh! , 07/12/2006
Reviewer: a montague

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  A Powerful voice! , 08/02/2006
Reviewer: b upton
Curtis Sims says a lot of things that needed to be said, but most people are afraid to speak up. My guess is that in the African-American community many may feel the way Mr. Sims does but they are too afraid of their own people to say what he thinks. Curtis Sims is not afraid. When a man with Mr. Sim's experiencs speaks, we all need to listen. Abused as a child, addicted to heroin at 13, a drug dealer, an armed robber, a gang a self educated brilliant thinker. I hope Mr. Sims' book makes a splash nationally and opens a dialogue in this nation. Thank you Curtis Sims!

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  a brilliant thinker!!! , 08/14/2006
Reviewer: E.M.Peugh
I have read many books on this subject,but this book hits you right between the eyes!! A compelling view of past experiences from the author, but also gives modern day solutions. A must read for anyone searching for answers to the many problems in the black community!! Reading this book has open my eyes not only to the incompetence of so called black leaders, but to search my own life and it's existance. A MUST READ!!!

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  A Very gutsy and thought provoking read , 08/21/2006
Reviewer: Stephen Goodrich
I hope that enough people discover this book so that Mr Sims thoughts and life experiences are passed on to people who can and are willing to help make a difference. I share many of his beliefs, especially those about the many so-called leaders who only appear when they can be seen by the media and are interested in only lining their own pockets. I will get my kids to read this for their education and pass on Curtis's word to others who will listen to this man's ideas.

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  Great perspective! , 09/17/2006
Reviewer: Albert & Toni Potterf
What determination and bravado Mr. Sims has. We really enjoyed this book alot. He writes from a lost perspective of common sense. Take responsibility and never stop learning or striving to help yourself and your community. He is a new role model!

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  , 05/14/2008
Reviewer: lavonne james
This is probably the most important book reguarding accountability that i have read in recent memory. Mr. Sims demonstrated a rare form of intestinal fortitude by simply speaking the truth as he see's it. I will definitely recommend this book to my contemporarys for its educational consumption as well as its candid, and forthright depiction of reality concerning black america.

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  , 05/14/2008
Reviewer: clara james
love it

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  well said , 11/28/2008
Reviewer: Dr. Jasper Campise
I as well as many of my contemporarys have searched for ways to understand the plight of our less fortunate fellow citizens, and i believe that this book has increased my understanding of human nature and the demagogues among us. I intend to read "a nation divided" once more because it is riviting and compelling in many ways.

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  lets talk , 12/13/2008
Reviewer: Mauricio Angel Soto
After reading the first few chapters i had an idea of where Mr Sims was going with his logic and candid analysis of the economic paralysis permeating the minority community. He is heading in the right direction. I would love an opportunity to discuss the book with this open minded individual. I find it difficult to believe that his education is limited to the eigth grade because of his sophisticated views!

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  An Excellent book , 04/10/2009
Reviewer: monroe matthews
This was one of the few times over the years that i have read a book and on occassion yelled, right on. This man knows what he is talking about.

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  very well said , 06/23/2009
Reviewer: fred wesley
I totally agree with this authors views, and i respect the fortitude that he demonstrates through his writings.

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  right on , 11/18/2009
Reviewer: Leslie Miles
This author is right on the money and he also has a great sense of humor!

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