Please Get Off the Tilt-A-Whirl
Book Size:
5.5'' x 8.5''
, 168 pages
FAMILY & RELATIONSHIPS / Children with Special Needs
A humorous, touching description of a mother’s love for her son born with Down’s syndrome.
A mother writes from the heart as she tells of the family’s experience of living with, caring for, and loving deeply, their son who was born with Down’s syndrome, 28 years ago. The book recounts the tears and struggles of the family as they adjust through heartbreak to joy and a deeper trust in the ways of God. In spite of Monte’s severe mental retardation, his life has left imprints on the heart of many who have known him. Told with candor and humor, this book offers encouragement to rise above one’s circumstances to live life victoriously.
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Customer Reviews
Please Get off the Tilt-a-Whirl
Diane Bower
The book was wonderful,,As I began to read it I found myself laughing and crying at the same time, and very much anticipating what the next page would say!! It was very inspirational, Not having a child with Downs I never realized how much one goes through, I thank GOD I didn't have to know this personally,,but moreso, I thank GOD that he knows all and puts his 'special' children in the Arms of loving parents to care for, Love, laugh and often times cry with,,I will be looking Forward to seeing more books by this Author!
Diane Bower
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