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Dr. Lou Zaninovich
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Osborne Park, WA, Australia

Dr. Lou Zaninovich, born in Western Australia; in 1940 1963: Graduated from the WA University of Medicine Batchelor of Medicine & Batchelor of Surgery. 1963: Passed examinations for: ECFMG (USA) 1964.. Married Dawn Four children and six grandchildren 1970: Passed entrance exam for Membership of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 1974: Received Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Practiced as a General Practitioner in both rural and metropolitan practices for thirty years and for the last five years has been specialising in Men's Health. 1998: Inaugural Medical Director of the Wellman Centres in Australia

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Vasectomy - Before and After
VASECTOMY…Not just a Simple Snip..Facts you MUST know if you are thinking of having one or even if you have already had one. Read true case histories of men who regret having the operation. read more
by Dr. Lou Zaninovich ~ 0-7414-0913-5 ©2002
Price: $12.95

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