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Carolyn Starry
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West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

Jose E. Tarazona is an artist and musician from Peru who lives in New York City. His love of art and music brought him here in the 1990’s where he studied music electronic technology, and painted abstract art. In 2013 his art drew the attention of the New York Times. An interview and article followed. Currently, Mr. Tarazona is experimenting with pencils, crayons, markers, and highlighters, creating new dimensions and tonalities. Added commentary describes what inspired him to create these drawings that are now included in “While Takeo Dreams.” For further information, go to Mr. Tarazona’s web site at

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While Takeo Dreams-Hardcover
Jose E. Tarazona is the artist behind the drawings in While Takeo Dreams. Every parent and anyone who has loved a child, will recognize his deep devotion to his family. read more
by Carolyn Starry ~ 9781495809019 ©2015
Price: $39.95

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