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Cary Berman
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West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania

Having always been a very open minded individual, I have been exposed to individuals from various backgrounds, and listen to various opinions before I come to a conclusion. This has enhanced my life by enabling those from different races and religions to enter into it. It has also made my own faith even stronger.
I have worked as a criminal defense attorney for over 25 years. The above qualities, I feel have allowed me to provide greater representation for my clients. It also has caused me to take a proactive approach in dealing with my own rare medical challenge

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Genesis: Born with Tay-Sachs
All of us go through challenging situations! This is my story as to how my faith, family and friends are helping me deal with my rare medical challenge! read more
by Cary Berman ~ 9780741497840 ©2015
Price: $18.95

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