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Jacob A. Henry
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Dallas, Texas

Jacob A. Henry lives in Dallas, Texas where he works a fascinating and lucrative job in computer data entry despite his educational background being in the Criminal Justice field. Although he often considers giving it all up to pursue a career in vagabonding. One day he hopes to have a ravishing wife and two perspicacious children, but he temporarily lives alone. This is his first book.

Selected works by this author:
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Spontaneous Smile
SPONTANEOUS SMILE is a travelogue and true story that takes readers through 15 countries and a series of exploits, all converging on a theme of finding happiness. It is the story of the illogical extremes I went to in order to deduce some of life’s most logical conclusions. read more
by Jacob A. Henry ~ 1-4958-0362-7 ©2014
Price: $8.95

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