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Tim Handrich and Debra Schroeder
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Appleton, Wisconsin

Tim Handrich and Deb Schroeder, authors of The Ultimate Middle School Counseling Handbook, introduce Help, I’m Living with a Tweenager.
Tim has been a middle school counselor for 33 years. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a psychology degree, and earned his Masters in Counseling at the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh.
Deb is a recently retired middle school counselor, former school psychologist and special education teacher. Her teaching degree is from the University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, and Masters in School Psychology/Certification in School Counseling from the University of Wisconsin - Stout.

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Help I'm Living with a Tweenager!
Survive your child’s tweenage years! In this quick read, two middle school counselors share their experiences, tell you what tweens are thinking, and empower you to help your tween thrive. read more
by Tim Handrich and Debra Schroeder ~ 0-7414-7142-6 ©2014
Price: $8.95

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