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Terry Johnson Weber
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Williamsburg, Virginia

Always a story-teller, this retired nurse and church office worker shares her experiences with the paranormal and supernatural. She contends that life is in the stories. And Terry has stories to tell! She has held the hand of the dying. She has had encounters with angels and demons and precognitive dreams. And she has learned to cling to God through all of the unexplained events in her life. Terry is the mother of three grown sons and has two beautiful grandchildren. She lives with her husband Don in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Tug of War: Trusting God Through the Unexplained
Ministering angels. Demonic attacks. Dreams that contain messages from the dead. Playful ghosts. One woman’s true account of the tug of war in her life between good and evil. read more
by Terry Johnson Weber ~ 0-7414-9997-5 ©2014
Price: $13.95

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