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Darrell Mahan
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Tucson, Arizona

Born to serve, the author lives a life walking a path few have traveled. A career in the military showed him the World. A career in the transportation industry showed him America. His travels and experiences translate into stories beyond imagination and he loves putting them to paper. Married to a wonderful, understanding & patient woman, they have a beautiful daughter and son, both with huge hearts and great sense of humor. Currently residing in Southern Arizona, they await their next adventure. Life is good!

Selected works by this author:
1 .
I Prey on Evil: The Adventures of an Oversized Hillbilly And One Sassy Angel
Back in the backwoods and mountains lives an oversized man who has served his country and family faithfully. Living off the land and being a simple God-loving man, his struggle with life’s tests and challenges knock him down continuously. One cold night, lying in a pitiful heap, he cries out for help and opens his big mouth asking the age old questions of purpose. The man is answered in true “be careful what you wish for fashion”. Good versus Evil, plain & simple…the hunt is on! read more
by Darrell Mahan ~ 0-7414-9896-0 ©2013
Price: $9.95

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