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Cynthia Johnson
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Southaven, Mississippi

Cynthia Johnson is a devoted mother of two. She embraced her love for poetry as a child, and used writing as an outlet for her impoverished childhood. She learned about the power of prayer early in life from her mother. And, because the storms of life brought her to her knees day and night, she was able to birth her purpose of delivering spiritual messages through poetry and fiction. She resides in Southaven, Ms., where she is a licensed social worker for the elderly and disabled population. She is currently working on her first Christian romance novel, Where’s My Husband?

Selected works by this author:
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Let's Take a Walk: A Soulful Journey of Empowerment
Let's Take A Walk… A Soulful Journey to Empowerment is a collection of poems and spiritual messages concerning relationships and psychological barriers; many unique to African Americans. You will find that with faith and God’s unconditional love, you can overcome any obstacle! read more
by Cynthia Johnson ~ 0-7414-8387-4 ©2013
Price: $10.45

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