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Thomas A. Walsh
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Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania

Tom Walsh is a practicing Catholic, has raised one child and lives in Perkiomenville, PA. He is a Pro-Life activist, a former youth group leader and a 4th Degree Knight of Columbus. For over seven years he has offered adult men a Catholic perspective at the confluence of religion and politics by publishing The Wild Man’s Journal. Tom uses his provocative style to challenge the lack of orthodoxy in Catholic parishes, America’s loss of freedom and the moral bankruptcy of our society. He encourages participation in civic and educational organizations like the John Birch Society and the Campaign for Liberty.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Asleep in the Light
Today America finds her freedom in jeopardy, her economy in shambles and her morals in freefall. Follow Patrick Callahan, as he walks us through the changes of the Cultural Revolution. read more
by Thomas A. Walsh ~ 0-7414-8331-9 ©2013
Price: $22.95

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