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Sandy Taylor
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King of Prussia, Pennsylvania

Sandy Taylor is a renowned storyteller, multicultural arts educator, author,
photojournalist and founder/director of the non-profit, Rainbow Child International. She
has worked in peace education for all ages for nearly 30 years. For a full range of the
programs she offers including the seminar, Restoring the Sacredness of Birth: Lessons
from Multicultural Traditions, see the website, .

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Mother Birth: A Personal Journey of the Sacred and Sexual Reclaiming the Power of Women for a Peaceful World
What is a baby’s experience in childbirth? MotherBirth will show you. MotherBirth’s author tells her compelling story of a natural, ecstatic, and orgasmic birth once the psychological impact of her own birth trauma and subsequent infertility was healed. As a professional photographer, Taylor documents what's possible. Having relived, witnessed, and photographed birth, bonding, and rebirthing, her experience and passion quite literally reveal the masterful way a deep loving mother-baby bond generates well-being and intuitive communication. This moving, sacred journey illustrates how a culture of welcoming mothers and babies holds the potential to transform our world: one mother-baby at a time. read more
by Sandy Taylor ~ 0-7414-7017-9 ©2012
Price: $14.95

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