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Christine S. Beck
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Newtown Square, Pennsylvania

Christine Beck works to create opportunities for youth with limited
options and resources. Her involvements include non-profit boards,
strategic and campaign planning, speaking and writing. She has been
honored with numerous national and regional awards.

Mrs. Beck served as President/CEO of Philadelphia’s Gesu School for eight years until 2011. She helped ensure the school’s successful track record and mission-driven commitment for neighborhood children, and she has been working with these boys for most of a year.
Currently, Mrs. Beck serves on the Board of Directors of Children’s Literacy Initiative, Saint Joseph’s Preparatory School and the Arthur Ashe Learning Center.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Listen to Our Voices
To counter the discouraging statistics and achievement gap of black boys’, “Listen to Our Voices” gives eight black middle school males the chance to express their thoughts loud and clear. "I wish we had adults who would listen," said a 10 year-old African American boy. read more
by Christine S. Beck ~ 0-7414-7689-4 ©2012
Price: $13.95

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