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Brittany Muryah
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Roseville, Minnesota

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1 .
Project Myarianus
The Myarianus is the second trial of a ship’s engine capable of traveling .5 past the speed of light. The first ship was named after Space Station Tallmur, sitting just off the orbit of Pluto, which was in alignment with the Earth at the time the Station was built. The ship itself was an old NASA space shuttle that John Raymond had gotten hold of. He owned and ran a test pilot company the Air Force often used in testing new aircraft and engine designs, so he had access to one, with a few hitches from the Air Force. When the ship exploded, there was devastation to the solar system, planets and many problems for Earth. John and his team were killed in the explosion. read more
by Brittany Muryah ~ 0-7414-7396-8 ©2012
Price: $12.95

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