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Dr. Mark Morningstar
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Davison, Michigan

Dr. Mark Morningstar gradually developed his ARC3D Therapy™ system over 10 years. His specialized training in spine medicine, spinal biomechanics, functional medicine, kinesiology taping, and chiropractic neurology has given him unique insight into the many orthopedic, neurological, and metabolic dysfunctions observed in scoliosis patients. His clinical practice is devoted to the care of patients with various types of scoliosis. He also teaches his clinical methods and lectures to scientific societies internationally. He actively consults with physicians worldwide on the evaluation and treatment of difficult scoliosis cases. He continually conducts and evaluates the newest scoliosis research available.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Scoliosis and ARC3D Therapy: Treating the Whole Patient
This book provides an introductory overview of the ARC3D Therapy™ system developed by Dr. Mark Morningstar. It breaks down the essential components of scoliosis treatment necessary to improve the quality of life in people with scoliosis. ARC3D Therapy™ uses a combination of exercise-based therapies rooted in treatment methods worldwide, helping people get the whole-body scoliosis care they deserve. Goal setting, outcome assessments, management strategies, risk stratification, and rehabilitation exercises are just some of the topics covered. Written for doctors and patients alike, this book explores the idea that people with scoliosis need more than just orthopedic spine care. read more
by Dr. Mark Morningstar ~ 0-7414-7111-6 ©2012
Price: $12.95

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