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Frank T. Mitchell
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Charlotte, North Carolina

Frank is a dynamic Human Resource professional with several years of leadership
within organizations across major industries. Frank's experiences include developing &
executing strategies that enhanced overall business productivity regarding Human
Capital. Frank is a driven leader responsible for implementing staffing solutions to
attract, hire and retain top talent. Frank has been responsible for hiring over 1,600
individuals, spending over 75 Million dollars on that talent. He has coached businesses
on hiring talent and employees on how to maximize their work experience.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Frank's Roadmap to Career Success
Frank’s Roadmap to Career Success is a must read for every working individual who desires to maximize their success at work. read more
by Frank T. Mitchell ~ 0-7414-7264-3 ©2012
Price: $19.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Frank's Roadmap to Career Success 2nd Edition
Frank’s Roadmap to Career Success is a must read for every working individual who desires to maximize their success at work. This insightful book walks through specific scenarios and how to manage relationships. It covers topics such as resumes, interviewing and social media. This book is appropriate if you just started your career or you are on your way to the corner office. read more
by Frank T. Mitchell ~ 0-7414-8450-1 ©2013
Price: $19.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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