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Lisa Faddis Pettegrew
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Fruit Heights, Utah

Lisa Faddis Pettegrew is a graduate of Brigham Young University. After retiring from 33 years as an educator she now enjoys writing, horseback riding, tap dancing, four-wheeling, target shooting, boating, and spending time with her precious family. She and her husband, Joseph, reside in Fruit Heights, Utah and have one son, three daughters, two sons-in-law, and three adorable grandchildren.

Selected works by this author:
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A Snowflake in a Coal Mine
The East German soldiers told us in their broken English, to get out of the car as they pointed their rifles at us. We were petrified, but we kept our thoughts to ourselves. One wrong move and the soldier, who was still holding the rifle on us, would gun us down without a second thought. Finally, one soldier crawled under the car to see if anyone was hiding under our car. My palms felt sweaty and I was afraid to wipe them off on my dress, thinking one wrong move and we would be executed. read more
by Lisa Faddis Pettegrew ~ 0-7414-6532-9 ©2011
Price: $13.95

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