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Edith C. Baker, Ph.D.
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Richmond, Kentucky

Dr. Edith Baker is an ordained minister of the gospel and founder of Echoes of Mercy Ministry, Inc. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology/sociology, masters in education and counseling and a doctorate in psychology.

She is the mother of one daughter, April Stamper, and three granddaughters: Brooklyn, Kimberly, and Megan. She is a conference speaker and teacher, and has authored another book entitled Mirror Reflections: Clinical techniques and biblical perspectives for reclaiming your self.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Sacred Tyrants
Religion and the creation of organizations called churches have led to socially exclusive groups. read more
by Edith C. Baker, Ph.D. ~ 0-7414-6380-6 ©2011
Price: $14.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

2 .
Sacred Tyrants - Hardcover version
Religion and the creation of organizations called churches have led to socially exclusive groups. read more
by Edith C. Baker, Ph.D. ~ 0-7414-6381-4 ©2011
Price: $23.95

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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