Alfonso Ramos Alva
Author Alfonso Ramos Alva (Perú, 1936- 2006)
Dr. Alfonso Ramos Alva (Peru, 1936-2006) was a renowned Peruvian sociologist and philosopher, professor, politician and author. Among his works stand out: El Estado Hemisomo: crítica y alternativa al estado neoliberal (2005), Escalinatas y peldaños: VERVIR (Versificación virtual, 1998), Haya de la Torre: creador y visionario (1990), Siete tesis equivocadas del marxinismo-leninismo sobre Indoamérica (1986). He is the creator of the Insurgence Law, Article 82 of the Peruvian Constitution (1979) and was an arduous combatant for social justice. In his spare time, he enjoyed poetry, oratory and painting.
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