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Paul Arenson
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Yountville, California

In his middle eighties and living in a retirement home the author began to reflect on why his life was such a disappointment to him. As a pilot in the US Army Air Corps during WWII he had the privilege to fly the wars premier fighter, the famed P-51 Mustang. It was a dream that he had since the age of five and yet when the war was over and he had a chance to stay in and continue a career of flying, he turned his back on that opportunity. After he graduated from college he entered the financial services business from which many of his fellow representatives retired as millionaires. He, on the other hand, was borrowing money from his children to pay his rent and buy food. This is the story of what he discovered and how he turned his life entirely around.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Do You Have the Guts to Live the Life of Your Dreams?
He led a life of frustration and disappointment. Only by discovering the causes and permanently destroying them did happiness and joy come into his life. read more
by Paul Arenson ~ 0-7414-6310-5 ©2011
Price: $11.95

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