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Robert McKnight
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Tallahassee, Florida

Robert W. McKnight served in the Florida Senate and House of Representatives from 1974-1982. He received the Florida Times-Union, Allen Morris award as The Outstanding First Term Member of the Florida Senate and House of Representatives, Runner-Up Award. His colleagues, in a poll conducted by Florida Trend Magazine as, “Admired for Dedication, Honesty, Integrity, and Regard for the Public Welfare,” in 1978, described him. The Florida Jaycees selected Senator McKnight as One of The Five Outstanding Young Men in Florida in 1980.

He has a BS degree from Florida Southern College and an MBA degree from Florida State University.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Accidental Ambition
Sex, scandal, international intrigue, and murder rock an important national senate race in Florida. Congressional control hinges on the outcome as one unlikely candidate takes up his political sword. read more
by Robert McKnight ~ 0-7414-6036-X ©2010
Price: $18.95

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2 .
The Golden Years
Former Capitol Bureau Chief of the St. Petersburg Times Martin Dyckman described the Florida legislature during the 1970’s and 80’s as the Golden Era of the state’s politics. Bob McKnight was fortunate to serve in the Florida Senate and House of Representatives during that time, and has written this nationally acclaimed book depicting his first hand knowledge of the events and personalities at the center of the Era. McKnight uses the traditional memoir format to outline historic events of Florida’s transition from what the U.S. Supreme Court described as the most mal-apportioned state in the country--attributable to the legendary “Pork Chop Gang”-- to a legislative body described by the prestigious national Council of State Legislatures as the “Most Independent Governing Legislative Body in the United States,” in 1972. Profiles of the outstanding governors with whom Senator McKnight served and worked are a highlight of this book—including Democrat Governors Reubin Askew, Bob Graham, Lawton Chiles, and Republican Governors Claude Kirk, Bob Martinez and Jeb Bush. read more
by Robert McKnight ~ 0-7414-8185-5 ©2012
Price: $15.45

  Average Rating: (not rated)

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