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Patricia Hall
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Winston Salem, North Carolina

As the mother of four teenage boys writing is one of the forms of relaxation that has helped to keep me sane and able to cope with all the trials, suffering, fears, and mistakes I have experienced in life.

I am blessed to be doing what God has called me to do; writing the special words that he has given to me in my spirit, and I am especially thrilled to finally publish this book.

If by reading this book just one soul finds God, if only one person gets saved; then this book has fulfilled its purpose

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Ammunition for God's Soldiers
Ammunition for God’s Soldiers strengthens, sympathizes, teaches and compels you to contemplate your thoughts or choices. In the form of poetry, there’s something in here literally for everyone so indulge yourself. read more
by Patricia Hall ~ 0-7414-5906-X ©2010
Price: $13.95

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