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Jim Schmalz
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Heathsville, Virginia

After Vietnam-era service as a Marine Aviator, JIM SCHMALZ earned his Bachelors in Me-chanical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon and began his engineering career in St. Louis. With his PE and a Masters in Biotechnology, he formed his own Pharmaceutical Engineering Consult-ing practice. He taught Technical Writing for 13 years at Washington University in St. Louis until 2003. Now retired, he and his wife Su live in Virginia’s Northern Neck, where he gardens, sails, keeps his bees, helps his friend Farmer Billy harvest his crops, and writes the occasional book.

Selected works by this author:
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Cognitive Engineering Writing
COGNITIVE ENGINEERING WRITING summarizes and combines the work of Linguists Noam Chomsky, Charles Carpenter Fries, Anna Wierzbicka, and Mark Baker; of Brain Scientists Michael Gazzaniga and Jill Bolte Taylor; of Usage Gurus Bergen and Cornelia Evans, the compilers of Writer’s INC, Patricia O’Connor, and Lynn Truss; and of Cognitive Scientist Steven Pinker to give the reader a scientific description of English Grammar—Grammar Two. read more
by Jim Schmalz ~ 0-7414-5786-5 ©2010
Price: $21.95

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