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David O. Bruckheimer, MA, Ed.S.
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Hampton, Virginia

The author, David O. Bruckheimer, MA, Ed.S., is the Director of Personnel, Safety and Training for two construction and one manufacturing company in Hampton Virginia. Mr. Bruckheimer is an online adjunct instructor for college level construction management and criminal justice courses and is actively engaged in online, college level, curriculum development.

Mr. Bruckheimer holds a bachelors degree in psychology, a master’s degree in education and human development, and an educational specialist’s degree (Ed.S.) in higher education administration all from the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. He resides in Hampton Virginia with his wife, Jacquelyn, and son, David III.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Lead, Manage, Or Get Out of the Way: An Anthology of Advice
This book contains 22 stand alone articles (chapters) on leadership, management, human resources, and communication. They are short, to the point and easy to read. These articles are not intended to answer all the questions or issues found in modern business, they are just an expression of one person’s view and what works from the author’s perspective. read more
by David O. Bruckheimer, MA, Ed.S. ~ 0-7414-5829-2 ©2010
Price: $9.95

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