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Gloria E. Singleton
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Port Royal, South Carolina

Gloria E. Singleton is a native of Beaufort, South Carolina, and feels enormously privileged to have been born in such an incredibly endowed area. A mother and grandmother, she considers Beaufort an absolute treasure, rich in history, diversity and culture. Singleton, a graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, with a B.A. in Journalism, is also author of Growing Professionals, a book focusing on soft skills and etiquette in the workplace. She works as a career development facilitator at a local high school.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Beaufort Through the Ages
Collection of provocative essays about Beaufort, South Carolina . . . from 50 intriguing Beaufortonians on why people flock to this coastal paradise inhabited by friendly folks, adorned with beautiful architecture, flanked by moss-draped oak trees. read more
by Gloria E. Singleton ~ 0-7414-5665-6 ©2010
Price: $19.95

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