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Raymond Sigrist
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Fairfax, Virginia

From a mystical point of view, I think there is a lot to be said for ignoring personal history, and yet there is also a little to be said in favor of giving a brief resume. I’ve worked as a day-laborer in Queens, New York; a brakeman on the Norfolk and Western railroad; a farmhand near Dundee, Ohio; a high school teacher in Tamale, Ghana; a forward artillery observer at Khe Sahn, Vietnam; a psychiatric nurse in Los Angeles; a plumber’s assistant in the World Bank building; and a busboy in Athens, Ohio. I’ve practiced mystical cultivation for a number of years and although I am pretty good at it, I have only scratched the surface. Yet despite being at this modest level, I have no problem appreciating what it is that causes me to love you and every other being.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
In Love with Everything
In Love With Everything describes how the apophatic mystical process produces a sense of nearly unshakable well-being, along with a spontaneous love for all beings and for all of Being. read more
by Raymond Sigrist ~ 0-7414-5599-4 ©2009
Price: $14.95

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