Ernest Clyde Smoot, Jr.
Henrico, Virginia
The late Ernest Clyde Smoot, Jr., native of Charlottesville, Virginia, and W&M graduate, wore many hats. He owned an advertising agency, taught college courses, managed a trade association, developed and manufactured games and kits, ran a small publishing company, as an inventor secured several patents. His big joys in life were sailboats. He also was a model train aficionado. A kind-hearted and loving family man, he didn’t hesitate to make himself heard anywhere to right a wrong--always for the good guy and the underdog. Deterioration of his health during his last years gradually robbed him of his mobility. He wrote the text for this book using a very small pad, pencil, and telephone for research. He would be so pleased to learn that readers of this book had succeeded in self employment.
Selected works by this author:
How to Find Your Niche and Get Started in Self Employment
This book lists many, many fast-to-enter occupations--the only book with 250 popularly known occupations for self-employment not usually requiring the usual four years or more post-high-school education.
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Ernest Clyde Smoot, Jr.
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