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Sue Thomas
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St. Louis, Missouri

The author won a short story contest when she was in the eighth grade, and has been writing ever since, though she was trained as a musician. Formerly a respected music and book critic for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, she also wrote articles that appeared in Ovation magazine and Stagebill before opting to write fiction full-time. She lives in St. Louis with her husband, the clarinetist George Silfies, and cat, Mimi.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Tensions among the twelve disparate passengers aboard a Portuguese freighter bound for Lisbon in 1960 are heightened when one of them is discovered to be an assassin, and later on when they meet up with a renowned fado singer. read more
by Sue Thomas ~ 0-7414-5571-4 ©2009
Price: $12.95

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2 .
Lisboa (Portuguese Version)
Receita para emoções no alto mar: Um bilionário australiano e a sua mulher, uma mini estrela de cinema, Uma americana idosa muito snob que acompanha a sua sobrinha-neta adolescente e núbil, Um casal de professores de música duma universidade do Midwest; ela toca viola de arco “muito mal”, Um casal de Californianos bronzeados e a sua criança barulhenta e insuportável, Um diplomata americano reformado de caminho a Lisboa para matar saudades, Dois homens portugueses que nunca falam com ninguém, E Só uma casa de banho privada. Não é necessário agitar vigorosamente; esta mistela fervilhante de doze passageiros num cargueiro português só falta explodir. read more
by Sue Thomas ~ 0-7414-8377-7 ©2013
Price: $13.45

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