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Alani M'echel Weathers
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Soo, Michigan

My name is Alani M’echel Weathers. I am an actress, storyteller, and a writer. I am also currently a Public Relations intern and a Communication and English tutor. I’ve always shared a passion for writing and have been doing so since childhood. I am also a full-time senior undergraduate at Lake Superior State University majoring in Communication with minors in Speech and Drama and Public Relations. I am also assisting my mother raise my six nieces and nephews ages 5-13 who are the true inspiration for my work.

Selected works by this author:
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The Horrible Huckleberry Hex
Terror strikes in Michigan for 11 year old Jordan Davis when he and his family accidently unleash an evil ancient curse! Will Jordan be able to save his family from dark fate more gruesome than any of them could ever imagine? read more
by Alani M'echel Weathers ~ 0-7414-5328-2 ©2009
Price: $9.95

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