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Ed R. Sager
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Vancouver,, Washington

A hobby writer for more than 25 years, born in Washington state in 1937 and still here, where I’ve enjoyed a cabinet making career for about 35 years. I have had no formal education, other than the education brought about in raising three daughters, and being 44 years married to the same woman. I grew up in a Christian environment, however, it was later on (in my thirties) when the seeds began to grow. As they grew, so did my curiosity about spiritual truth. I found myself coming from the side of having to know what all this spiritual language meant and how it works, and walking with God in the early hours provided me some answers.

Selected works by this author:
1 .
Are You Sure You Know God?
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by Ed R. Sager ~ 0-7414-0364-1 ©2000
Price: $16.95

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